Sunday, February 7, 2010

Herpes Shaft Bumps Rash On Penis And Red Little Bumps/pimples Under Penis Shaft. Can This Be Genital Herpes?

Rash on penis and red little bumps/pimples under penis shaft. Can this be genital herpes? - herpes shaft bumps

I am a virgin who has never done anything to kiss a girl, but on the lips. Recently, I saw red bumps 2-4 in the bottom of my penis. They have the same size and then for 2-3 weeks or longer. About 1-2 weeks after the balls that I have a couple of them on the head of the penis. They were the same color, but smaller and barely visible. After a week the bumps recently, to a large outbreak around my penis head. The outbreak did not move down my tree. He remained at the head of the penis. After 2-3 days the rash disappeared. It was now a little, but it's gone. I have also experienced abdominal pain in my stomach usually right, but she also felt on my stomach and abdomen on the left. I also felt a burning sensation in my penis when sitting, standing and walking. Do I have genital herpes, genital warts or HPV?


Luke N said...

It's always good to have investigated his condition by a doctor.

It is more likely that what you Jock Itch, a fungal infection of the bar have. As the common name for this condition implies, itching or burning sensation in the groin, the folds of the skin, anus or thighs. It can involve the inner thighs and genital area and return to the perineum and perianal region. The acute infection begins with a bar, sometimes half an inch in diameter, usually on both sides. Enlarge the area of May, May and others develop ulcers in a particular model. The rash appears as raised red patches. The skin within the border is a reddish-brown and loses much of its dynamism. The limit may have little pimples or pustules, with central areas, which are reddish and dry with small scales.

Opportunistic infections (infections that are caused by a weakened immune system) is common. Mushrooms from other parts of the body (commonly tinea pedis or athlete's foot) can help to Jock itch. A hot and humid EnvironmNT, the fungus will contribute greatly to maintain, especially with tight, sweaty clothes and rubbed as Jock can.

Try an anti-fungal cream applied topically. Go to your doctor to confirm, but.

Best of luck.

Jan E said...

Opt for a check before it is too late. Let your penis is the garbage of the future. Early detection is the surest way to prevent the second.

Lyn said...

I do not know if it's genital herpes, but you should immediately consult a doctor. You have nothing to deteriorate. Good luck.

odzooker... said...

Two words. Skip Doctor

You do not seem to know himself as a candidate for sexually transmitted diseases, but still go - unless you like things as they are.

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