Sunday, February 14, 2010

Systemic Mastocytosis More Condition_symptoms Anyone Out Here Dealing With MASTOCYTOSIS?

Anyone out here dealing with MASTOCYTOSIS? - systemic mastocytosis more condition_symptoms

I work for a 71-year-old from mastocytosis, a disease of mast cells. It is the type 2, antihistamines, Gastrocrom (sp?), Lyrica, and other prescription pain and nerves, but still swelling in the mouth, tongue, hands and feet. It seems almost every day, sometimes for hours, and often with swollen feet and / or hands, red, and "feel as if they were on fire." Is there a place where they can s' contact for further information and / or support? Any input would be useful if you are a medical researcher or a patient with this rare disease. To my knowledge, has made no blood test to see how cancer systemic mastocytosis. She is a member of the Mastocytosis society and get to the polls. Any help or suggestion will greatland are appreciated.


Anonymous said...

The "trigger" is the response of mast cells: drug abuse, excessive use of alcohol, preservatives, stress, sunlight, environmental toxins, bacteria and fungi influence and minimize shapes, colors and tastes, heat, etc., your risk to these triggers can to help mastocytosis redcuce danger.

Anonymous said...

There should also be an inhibitor of H1 (Zyrtec, Claritas). Sinks can be caused by excessive progestiglandarin D2. Doctors should be tested out and, if raised, a program can be justified by aspirin (if) you have a reaction to aspirin.

Blood tests can not tell if it has high tryptase. She needs a bone marrow biopsy to determine whether systemically. The blood work may also determine whether it is aggressive or latent (or cancer).

I recommend that you make an appointment with a specialist of mastocytosis. I see M. Castells, Boston. I drive a good way to see, but it's worth someone who really knows this disease on their side.

Finally, if your friend is on Facebook, no arand some groups of mastocytosis. Everyone is wonderful and a great resource. We also participate in a forum mast cell disorder. It is to be welcomed.

I wish your friend good health.

Anonymous said...

There should also be an inhibitor of H1 (Zyrtec, Claritas). Sinks can be caused by excessive progestiglandarin D2. Doctors should be tested out and, if raised, a program can be justified by aspirin (if) you have a reaction to aspirin.

Blood tests can not tell if it has high tryptase. She needs a bone marrow biopsy to determine whether systemically. The blood work may also determine whether it is aggressive or latent (or cancer).

I recommend that you make an appointment with a specialist of mastocytosis. I see M. Castells, Boston. I drive a good way to see, but it's worth someone who really knows this disease on their side.

Finally, if your friend is on Facebook, no arand some groups of mastocytosis. Everyone is wonderful and a great resource. We also participate in a forum mast cell disorder. It is to be welcomed.

I wish your friend good health.

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