Infections from your own poop? - wedgie catch girls
I know that sounds really bad, but I know a girl can have a vaginal infection, do not if properly disposed of. But I feel like a song, if you get on Sunday, and there are a shit microscopic bacteria in your underwear, ran the risk of bacterial infection. I do not know how a shower every time you feel the rear end, and sometimes I use special wipes for this, but I have not yet. What can I do to prevent BV and all that?
Wipe from front to back and straps too long. Do you think it might be a little paranoid with the past, microscopic shit and buy baby wipes!
Really? To teach your parents, do not it?
The chair is a residue that has germs. If you leave residues or pathogens in a dark, damp, what do you think will happen .... Really?
How do you prevent you - learn to clean properly. I can not believe that to say this to an adult.
I think your friend's vagina is super sensitive to this type of bacteria. I know this can happen, but it is quite rare. If you want to remain clean after using the toilet, always used the towels to keep them clean. Be able to assess people. just clean the bottom stay there, and you should be ready to go!
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